Red Tan – Don’t You Dare!


Don’t You Dare! is a new single from singer/songrwriter and recording artist, Red Tan. Inspired by her bouts with anxiety and depression, as well as her experience as a single mother and young widow, Don’t You Dare! is an expressive piece of music, which Red Tan clearly puts her heart and soul into. The track itself is very upbeat and danceworthy, utilizing a creative and somewhat retro-futuristic backing beat. As the title suggests Red Tan sings with passion and charisma, with her voice managing to pack a lot of confidence and assertive authority into the song. She manages to express defiance while at the same time retains sensitivity, revealing enough emotional vulnerability to give the song a soft touch. She’s also a naturally good singer, and her voice comes through quite clear for this style of contemporary pop music, where vocals typically tend to be overprocessed to conceal flaws. This is a solid song, elevated by its personal depth and authenticity.

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