Santa Sallet – Championship Ring

Championship Ring Cover Big

Championship Ring is a new single from hip hop artist, Santa Sallet. I don’t even know where to begin. This song is so pimp tight. It just rules. Combined with a beat that’s both minimalist and futuristic, Santa Sallet’s vocals take center stage and represent the real story here. The best way to describe his delivery is that it’s like an audiobook cassette narration in rap form. His clever, poetic lyrics and natural storytelling ability absolutely steal the show. There are a few really choice lines in this song, (that I’m not going to repeat here but which you’ll know when you hear them). This guy plays it mild and mellow, but he really can rap. Just as importantly though, he has his own distinctive style. A lot of rappers make that claim, but in this case it’s actually true. Championship Ring is a memorable song, and Santa Sallet is an artist to watch.

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