Carolee Rainey – Sacrifice


Sacrifice is a new release from singer/songwriter, Carolee Rainey. Her sound is very organic, blending quality production with a grass roots indie style. One listen to Sacrifice though and you can tell she is an excellent, professional singer. Carolee can do amazing things with her voice, and just as importantly, she sings with passion. You get the sense that she feels a deep emotional connection with the content of her songs, projecting an authenticity which resonates with the listener. Sacrifice mixes elements of pop, R&B, blues and classic rock. The best way to describe the style is that it is like a “coffee house” activist version of Fleetwood Mac, brimming with an empowering (she also has a song called Empower) yet honest emotional energy. You can check out this jam below on Spotify, and I recommend you do.

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