Them Howling Bones


When I first saw the following statement in the bio of the band, “Them Howling Bones,” I’ll admit I was highly skeptical:

Their blues rock approach to music will take you back to the glory days of rock ‘n roll, when groups like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, and Cream were the backbones of rock music.

That’s setting the bar pretty high.  Make no mistake though, the music of “Them Howling Bones” is badass. Incredibly, they weren’t bluffing.  They really do capture the mid to late 70’s classic rock sound. One of their best songs, “Luci,” would not have seemed out of place on the “Dazed and Confused” soundtrack.

The song is just very well put together, with dynamic vocals and radical guitar solos. The energy  conveyed makes it clear that these guys live for music and enjoy what they’re doing.  It’s kind of a shame that popular music of today is such garbage, because if this was 1977…any kid who thought disco sucked would be listening to this(I happen to enjoy disco actually, but I like classic rock as well.) The good news though is that people who truly love to play music care little about money and fame. The process of creating jams such as these is it’s own reward. Everything else is just a bonus. These guys deserve a bonus.



If Job Interviews Rewarded People For Honesty…


Let’s face it, job interviews are no place for honest people. Answer questions candidly in good faith, and you’re toast. Tell them the diplomatic lies they want to hear, and  you’re in like Flynn(“My passion is to help people! I loved my old job, and the only reason I left was that I felt I had reached a point where the position wasn’t conducive to helping me achieve my future goals, etc.”)Well, actually you may not get the job anyway if you don’t look the part or if you give off any kind of off putting vibe at any point in the process.

In any event here are some honest interview answers we’d like to see:

“What makes you want to work for us?”

A: I need a job or I will run out of money. I applied to 20 places, and you were one of the ones who called me back

“I see that you only worked at this place for 4 months. What happened there?”

A: I hated it. The place was like a prison, and you needed to clock out just to take a piss. They also gave me more accounts than anyone could possibly handle.”

“What are you looking for in your next job?”

A:Something that pays all right and where I’m not constantly in fear of being fired for violating some trivial technicality.

“Were you able to consistently hit your quota?”

A: Yes, but only for a while. Then I got burnt out. Then again the quotas were so unrealistic that no one on the entire team was hitting them, except maybe like 1 or 2 people.

“Tell me about a time when “XYZ” happened and how did you handle it?

A: I can’t really think of a specific example, so let me just pull something out of my ass real quick and hope that it sounds like something that could have actually happened.

“What would your colleagues say about you”

A: That I’m sort of creepy cause I tend to hit on girls through the office communicator and on Linkedin, but that I know what the fuck I’m doing, and that’s why everyone still asks me for help.

Brandon Adamson is the author of “Beatnik Fascism