Tag Archives: disinternment

Disinterment – Defiled Covenant


Released in 2007, Defiled Covenant is an album from longtime (formed in the early 90s) death metal band, “Disinterment.” Defiled Covenant certainly lives up to its name by offering up a satisfyingly demonic sound. The crisp and workmanlike guitarwork has the mark of a refined, veteran metal band. Though this came out in 2007, it has a very classic metal feel to it. If I just randomly heard it, I would have guessed it was from the late 80s / early 90s. It just sounds very authentic and not like a bunch of kids LARPing as a death metal band. Even the vocal effects seem dated in a good way. With song titles like Desecrated Remnants and Desolate Damnation the album almost has a feel of a horror movie opera. The songs are darkly melodic and strangely calming in a spawning hellfire kind of way. The first track, Disintro is like a suspenseful opening of a portal to hell. the album takes us musically on a fast paced, sightseeing tour of the dominion of the damned. It is just a very solid release, as one comes to expect with any decent metal band, features cover art of the highest caliber.

A group which got their start playing underground clubs and venues in the early 1990’s, Disinterment has become one of the more popular death metal bands in Manila. This 5-piece crew is known for their windmill headbanging and brutal live performances. Their longtime in the making album, Defiled Covenant finally came to fruition in 2007. The band’s other musical output consists Demoniacal Dispel and Domination Defied, albums which were released in 2008.

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