KAATO – Slam!


Slam! is a new album from Nashville based rock band, KAATO. This album is powerful stuff, and it really does rock. The sound falls somewhere between classic rock and glam, reminiscent of bands like Poison, Iron Maiden and Motley Crue, but with a little bit of groovin guitar and Southern flair. It has a very late 80s feel to it, if only because the instruments are played with such meticulous precision, and the singer’s epic voice goes above and beyond the call of duty. I mean wow, this dude (Kurt Lowney) can really sing, and he just belts out these lyrics with an impressive level of ease, holding notes at will. Everything about this record is world class. It’s stylish, oozes with confidence, and is backed by substantive technical prowess. My favorite jam on this album is Communication which features some vintage housephone sound effects and a high energy, rhythmic rock’n’roll vibe. It would make a great track to race to down a desert highway while driving Charlie Sheen’s car from The Wraith. Anyway yeah, this album is legit.

For more info:

Website: http://www.kaatomusic.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaatoband/
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/slam/1454586665