TheKunig – Lakeland Plaza


Lakeland Plaza is a new song and music video from artist, TheKunig. It’s a romantic pop jam (although the song itself deals with a failing relationship.) The female vocals are surprisingly top tier for such a relatively unknown song. The singer is really good, pasionately belting out lyrics with a soft crystal clarity. Lakeland Plaza is an emotional song that isn’t afraid to delve into the depths of melancholy and longing. The emotional sincerity expressed is a refreshing change from what is often a genre filled with arrogance and plasticity. The synth beat is quite surreal and has an 80s dance feel to it. This song is really a much higher quality endeavor than its meager level of exposure would suggest. Let’s hope that changes as word gets out. Even is this particular genre isn’t really targeting guys like me, I can still recognize that this is a major label caliber recording.

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