Adrian John Szozda – The Life of Someone I Once Knew (35)

The Life of Someone I Once Knew is a new album from Toledo-based artist, Adrian John Szozda. What’s unique about this release is that it is actually a story. Featuring a full narrative, complete with hero and heroine, the album takes the listener on an avant garde and poetic journey. The tracks are packed with sentiments youthful exuberance, passion, romance and a bold “zest for life.” Don’t let the esoteric setup fool you into thinking this is a gimmick album. This music is of the highest quality, both technically and artistically.

It’s difficult to classify the style, but it has a folkish rock quality with elements of Americana, capturing very much the spirit of travel and exploration on the open road. The performance is clean and melodic, enveloped in a mix that really brings out the best of the sound. Some of the more romantic songs will really make you blush. The Life of Someone I Once Knew is scheduled to be released on 07/16/21.

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