Category Archives: News

“Mod Commodities,” the Mid-Century Modern Inspired NFT Collection on Proton

Just last month, Phoenix-based artist Brandon Adamson released a mid-century modern inspired NFT series on the Proton blockchain. The initial 12 pieces sold within the first 24 hours. Titled “Mod Commodities,” these NFT works are being made in the same style as the abstract, retro-futurist and modernist paintings the artist has been painting for 20 years.

On a recent episode of The Stark Truth podcast, Brandon explained that due to his minimalist living situation, he decided to create the series because he no longer had room to store large physical paintings. He also found the cumbersome shipping process involved in selling large abstract paintings online to be impractical.

As of this current writing, there are 28 NFTs in the collection, and 13 have sold. According to Brandon, “Most NFTs that people are making right now are pixelated characters or cartoon animals, which is fine. I love pixel art, but I wanted to put together a collection that was something distinctive and which was in line with my own artistic style. I didn’t want to just opportunistically mimic whichever style was currently selling big. Also a lot of people buy NFTs specifically designed to be profile pics. I’ve had a buyer who told me that Mod Commodities NFTs would be ideal to be used as banners or header images for profiles. Indeed they are, He purchased one for that reason, despite my never having marketed them as such. Perhaps I should.”

The Mod Commodities is currently available on ProtonMarket. In an article on CoinSlot, the artist mentioned that one of the main reasons he chose Proton was that it had the most user friendly wallet and NFT minting interface out of several blockchains he tested prior to launching the collection.

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Twitter @modcommodities

Indie Pop Artist Doojzie Aims to Bring About a Better Planet


The Prince admits issues within the judicial system and how we are thought as inner expression of true source in this linguistic “Our expression of self purpose and duties are limited when we remain under the blue scars on our ancestor’s back into our bloodstream. We will never become truly be free until the day our dialect aka “the oppressed” realise its our duty to inquisition the oppressor on how they are praised for what we have to look at as true skills in a humbled peaceful nature towards leading our direction to spread empathy towards one another as people communicating in this common speak! I refuse to live as a puppet in their pool of blood! I am my own KING!”

While we where holding a private conference in London after the monarch had made it back from his trip with Star Synq cooperatives during Sundown weekend, Doojzie has managed to form an equation to separate himself from the norm in celebrity culture too form his own lane of following along with the new wave of attack formed against the leading reigns within society in that he is the leading monarch in any religious status mutually agreed within this Collective made up of the true astrological physicians here in source. The Prince of the Temple insists that we as people need to put aside our differences and inequalities to form a new hierarchy based on reward from G8 Kingdom praise on the directive status people should have handed to the as an opportunity to become true entities worth growth and public state within the proposed new judicial system here on our planet! The astro-projectionist Has proclaimed his witness to the after life and judging bodies formation of government has been a selective of this unique Monarchy to be the leading body to preach the directive for the safe comforts in life to reside in peace the day we die. Also mentioning the procurement and direction the world is being lead into further torment by the reigns showing no true wanting or knowledge on how to begin to communicate the healing and peace for all here as a multiculturalist world society.

The Prince continues to state how he would conversate true comforts for all involved by starting
in war torn countries to give an outstanding efforts to pull together our Prince coming from a torturously occupied country for over 900 years shattered by the projections of headlines on the news who is good and who is bad in life. He would take control of the army’s and direct them to use the capital in his newly funded patriotic movement towards a well drilling scheme in 3rd world countries to bring the ability to take charities off our 3rd world to do work inside the new world order.This would truly provide a better planet to live on curing climate change with the new vegetation on our motherland.

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Promising Young Artist Ellen Alexander Reveals What Inspires Her (41)

A simple girl from Moscow, who conquered America, the modeling business and cinema, now wins people’s hearts with her music. We talked to Ellen about a new stage in her career, inspiration, music, and most importantly, how she combines work for iconic magazines such as L’Officiel, SHAPE, VOGUE, acting, filming music videos, and recording new songs, while finding at least some time to herself.

Ellen, you started your music career quite recently. Tell us what brought you to music?

From a very early age I practiced vocals, sang in the choir, learned to play the piano. I lived with my family in Moscow then, studied at the Physics and Mathematics School (my parents are famous Soviet physicists), but I was always attracted by creativity and music in particular. I started writing songs when I was still very young. Probably, this is where it all started. And then I just continued to develop quite organically in this direction, until I found the time and energy to start recording and release my songs.

In one of your interviews, you said that your goal for the coming years is to release 200 songs you have written. It’s a lot! When did you manage to write so much?

As I said before, I started composing songs and music from early childhood, I have been doing it all my life, as long as I remember myself. Now I improve many of them, change their sound, correct words and only then release. Of course, I take only those songs that find a response in my heart. Maybe they are well suited to the situation or fully express my feelings and thoughts. I record only such songs.

How do you write songs? What comes first: music or text? What inspires you?

It inspires me to be healthy. Especially now, with such a difficult situation in the world. I’m really concerned about our current situation, so I can’t answer this question any other way. Ask me next time, maybe I will tell you something more interesting, but now my health comes first.

As for the second question, first comes the feeling, emotion, inspiration, idea. Maybe an example of another author: I listen to a song, and it turns me on at once that I run to create something of mine. (43)

How long does it take to make one song? When do you realize that it’s ready, and you can go to the studio?

I go to the studio without a ready song. I create all the songs at once in the studio. The most important magic is happening there. Usually I come to the studio with a small set of ideas and come out with a ready song. Working in the studio itself inspires me a lot. It’s all about atmosphere there.

What is the most pleasant stage for you in creating a song?

A moment of inspiration. Especially when it comes from another song, not mine. I listen to something, and I like the idea, the motive and at least a couple of notes, and it pushes me to my own creative process. And you know, time somehow starts to go differently, I create something, write it down, think about it. My favorite stage is the beginning of the creative process.

How much time does it take to record one song? How many hours do you spend in the studio?

I work on the song for many days and hours in the studio. But in fact, it can take much less time to record. It’s just that I’m a terrible perfectionist, so I spend a lot of time to bring my material to perfection. I polish my songs until I realize that they are already fully made. And I will keep working on them, try to think of something extra, try them in different sounds until I find this very perfection.

How do you manage to do everything? You are a model in high demand, who is wanted by many very famous brands. How do you retain your strength to pursue a musical career as well?

I would say that I have not much strength left after busy days. I live a very active life, I’m used to a fast pace and a lot of business. Of course, it’s difficult to combine, and I myself don’t know, to be honest, how I do it. Probably, I have time for music, because it’s really important for me.

What do you write songs for? What does music give you in life?

Satisfaction. I like to be useful, I like to invent and create something. With music I can express myself, maybe inspire someone else, support people with my songs. I don’t like to sit still. And music covers a huge part of my spiritual needs. (42)

And besides music plans, what are your current goals for the next five years?

Develop further. Take care of my social networks, make them more interesting and lively. Work, create, learn. Another goal for the next five years: maybe already get married and have children. I’m ready for family life, I think. But five years is a long time, I don’t think it’s worth puzzling so far.

And last question: describe your music in three words.

Major, inspiring and encouraging.

Well, thank you very much for the interesting and bright interview! I wish you to fulfill all your goals and conquer the musical Olympus!

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Rodrigo Rocha Set to Appear in “SSW of the Border”

Rodrigo Rocha

Actor Rodrigo Rocha is set to appear in a new film “SSW Of The Border.” The movie is scheduled to begin production in April 2019. A tentative release date is slated to be around February in 2020. With direction by Felipe Bretas and Bruno Vieira, the movie centers upon an individual attempting to cross the US border illegally. From the dangerous journey to the cultural challenges upon arrival the film deals with hot button contemporary political and social issues. In addition to Rocha, the film features a number of other actors, both known and unknown including: Kayky Brito, Zhubin Rahbar, Eduardo Magalhaes, Dani Antunes, Eben Reinhardt, Joao Gevaerd, Dimi Papas, Kenzie Dodds, Rhaina Rodovalho, and Juliana Amador.

Official Website: