Hundred Round Kado – Spin the Block


Spin the Block is a new single from Boston based hip hop artist, Hundred Round Kado. The jam opens with some attntion grabbing synths and transtions into a crisp beat. Hundred Round Kado’s conversational style delivery is quick witted and biting. His dynamic ability to frequently switch speed and pacing is impressive. The title of the song is repeated often enough to be memorable and catchy, but I’m struck by just how much original lyrical content and narrative the artist is able to pack into this song. A big part of it is his quick (and practically nonstop) delivery. The song has a richness to it, and Kado brings to it the ingredient which every rap artist needs to be successful, a unique personality. The production on here is very good as well, really a fresh mix.

Follow Hundred Round Kado on Snapchat (@the100roundkado,) Twitter (@100roundkado,) and Instagram (@hundredroundkado).

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