Apollo Asteroids is a new single from longtime musician, Mohican Joe from Sweden. He’s mostly known for making hard rock music over the past two decades but has recently branched out to create retro synthwave.
Apollo Asteroids is aptly titled, as it blends 1980’s electronic dance music and Atari-like sounds. This is one of the clearest and most vibrant sythwave songs I’ve ever heard. While many have hopped on the bandwagon of the genre, Mohican Joe has managed to capture the authentic 80s sound as I remember it. This track would not seem out of place in any sci-fi club scene or ambient action sequence in an 80s film soundtrack such as Cherry 2000. The song uses an interesting gimmick by calling out various years (“1982,” “1977” etc) in ways which often correlate with transitions and changes in sound dynamics. Though Apollo Asteroids on the whole has more of an 80s vibe, it does contain a lot of Buck Rogers style, retrofuturistic disco elements as well. There’s not much else to say, given that is is just a single song, but it’s clear to me that for someone who supposedly just recently ventured into this genre, Mohican Joe has achieved a relative mastery of it, compared to many other artists whom have less of a grasp on the precise ambiance that they are seeking to emulate. This guy gets it.
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