SC – Shock Combat HD


Shock Combat HD is a new album from hip hop artist, SC. A true “full album,” this release contains over 20 action packed tracks. SC’s gentlemanly style and assertive delivery consistently carries these songs. The beats are smooth and synth driven, with the production emphasizing audio clarity and sonic appeal. One might think that an album which features such a high quantity of tracks must be sacrificing something on the quality front. Surprisingly though, that’s not the case here. Every single one of these songs is produced and performed to a high standard, with a meticulous attention to detail. There’s a plethora of original lyrical content and a great deal of variety in terms of distinctive backing music.

SC has a cool, nonabrasive voice which is just naturally pleasing to listen to. He doesn’t even need to try very hard. His delivery style is mellow but engaging. Occasionally he amps it up a few notches, but SC never really shouts or comes across like he has something to prove. Not too soft and not too hard, he blends a businesslike professionalism with a touch of sincerity and sentimentality. He’s also a fairly talented poet and doesn’t try to get cute or clever with the word games like some amateur rappers would. This guy is definitely in tune with his romantic emotions and willing to express them as well. He’s not shy in revealing his vulnerabilities and his struggles. Frequently, it feels like we are listening to a man talking out loud, working through the thoughts in his head right along with him.

Sometimes when you see a picture of an artist wearing a suit and shades on an album cover, it appears as though they’re simply posturing or attempting to present a classy image of themselves for marketing purposes. With SC though, the collar and the cuffs match. This music actually is quite exquisite and intellectually elevated. I have a couple of favorite tracks that stood out to me. Get Away is a melodic and ambient jam. The beat is quietly mesmerizing and just has a lot of charm. I think this is probably my favorite song on this album. Another song worth mentioning is My Heart ( The After School Special). In addition to having a great title, this track is highly imaginative, with a powerful intro. Female backing vocals/samples provide an ethereal atmosphere for SC’s lyrics to flow through. The whole thing is very dreamlike. All in all, Shock Combat HD is an excellent album that exceeded my expectations. In my position, I get to hear zillions of indie hop albums of varying degrees of quality, and I’m genuinely impressed by this release. I’d recommend you give it a listen. You will not even believe how good this is.

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