Nevo Sway – Entitled Pxrt2


Entitled Pxrt2 is a new album from Charlotte-based artist Nevo Sway. Released on Black Friday, the album combines pop, hip hop and R&B. The synth-driven backing beat is surprisingly smooth and ambient. It occasionally incorporates piano melodies, giving the tracks an artful, lounge vibe. For his part, Nevo Sway sings with passion and his voice often takes on an inspirational, optimistic tone. Dealing with subjects like romance, friendship and overcoming personal hardship, the lyrics often contain a spiritual component as well.

The songs do a nice job of balancing sentimental expression with an action oriented ad lively sound. This is a legit full length album and represents Nevo Sway’s second project since 2018. In addition to creating music, he’s also an entrepreneur, with a focus on real estate, binary option trading. Check out the links below and his youtube channel for more info.

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