Playology is an upcoming EP from ErMonii. In addition to being an artist, ErMonii is also a music producer, audio engineer and the CEO of a music production company (The Product LLC). He has a pretty decent following already. Some of his releases have over 40,000 plays on Spotify. His jams often feature exquisite and ambient beats, fronted by passionate and expressive vocals. The sound is ethereal and the vibe is inspirational. You can tell he really puts his heart into creating and performing these jams. The preview tracks for Playology are tantalizing and crisp, with backing beats containing some slick synth sounds. In terms of lyrical delivery, he really has a solid flow and gets on a roll when he’s rapping. Other times he opts for a more intimate and sentimental approach. There’s a lot of artistic versatility here, and plenty of creative variety in his catalog, as ErMonii is something of a jack of all trades. Playology will be one to watch for.
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