All posts by Anastim Ducray

Boppin’ Around

Decked Out Boys, an emerging rap group from Mississippi, has put out a fun new jam called “Boppin'” The video features some pretty dank, old school automobiles intercut with scenes of the group dancing(boppin’ presumably)with fans and friends in a park. The video production quality is very good, and the song itself is quite catchy. Probably my favorite component of this video is the guy who is randomly rocking the “meow we’re talking!” t-shirt with the giant cat on it.

My particular notion of boppin is based more along the lines of 1950’s sock hop nostalgia, as articulated in Elton John’s, Crocodile Rock. According to Urban Dictionary though, the term has several possible meanings in modern society.  Decked Out Boys are a talented  and energetic young group. If this single catches on, their version of Boppin’ could become a popular thing. The song is available on their website.

Word Watching


Checked out a new single from a passionate young rapper from Fort Lauderdale, “Absoloot.”This latest jam is titled “Watch Your Words.” His “speed alternating” delivery style clearly reminds me of mid 90’s Bone Thugs, though not quite as fast(does anyone rap that fast?) Absoloot’s actual voice has a jovial clarity, which gives it a bit of an old school, 80’s MC quality(some of his other songs have more an R&B feel to them.) He uses some interesting layering  and echo effects with the vocals, which seem to give his verses a unique sound. The chorus, “Be careful who you serve…Watch your words” feels like it gets repeated in the song about 50 times. I listened to this song only 2 or 3 times, and that phrase was stuck in my head for days.  If there is a recurring theme in his songs, it’s that Absoloot is a fairly suspicious fellow, along with being a dreamer. He tends to promote progress and cautions against banksters as well as generalized greed(he actually has songs which are titled “banksters” and “greed.”) “Watch Your Words,” with it’s crisp piano backing, is clearly the best musically and the catchiest of his songs. I recommend you give this a listen. Regardless of the situation, watching one’s words is nearly always good advice.

Them Howling Bones


When I first saw the following statement in the bio of the band, “Them Howling Bones,” I’ll admit I was highly skeptical:

Their blues rock approach to music will take you back to the glory days of rock ‘n roll, when groups like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, and Cream were the backbones of rock music.

That’s setting the bar pretty high.  Make no mistake though, the music of “Them Howling Bones” is badass. Incredibly, they weren’t bluffing.  They really do capture the mid to late 70’s classic rock sound. One of their best songs, “Luci,” would not have seemed out of place on the “Dazed and Confused” soundtrack.

The song is just very well put together, with dynamic vocals and radical guitar solos. The energy  conveyed makes it clear that these guys live for music and enjoy what they’re doing.  It’s kind of a shame that popular music of today is such garbage, because if this was 1977…any kid who thought disco sucked would be listening to this(I happen to enjoy disco actually, but I like classic rock as well.) The good news though is that people who truly love to play music care little about money and fame. The process of creating jams such as these is it’s own reward. Everything else is just a bonus. These guys deserve a bonus.



Rebelutions in The Attic


The thing that stands out the most to me in “Sammattick The Rebel’s” album, “Rebelution” is the beautiful piano music that serves as a backdrop for some of the songs. It’s as though he could have released a separate album with just instrumentals, and it could have been used as a soundtrack for some kind of sentimental film.  As for the rap in general, the style has a very early 90’s feel(a good thing.) Being a fan of the original 60’s show, my favorite jam is probably the second song “Holy Batmans,” which happens to feature a sample from the hit folk tune, “Reach Out In The Darkness” by Friend and Lover. It’s impossible to come up on the 12th track “Man In The Mirror” without thinking it might be some new rap version of the Michael Jackson classic jam of the same name. The two songs are nothing alike though.

Overall, this is a pretty decent collection of hip hop songs with enough variance in style that anyone should be able to find something they like. Sammattick definitely has some speed skills as a rapper, and some of the retro themes he incorporates seem to work with his style. Despite the album’s cover photo and the title, “Rebelution,” I didn’t really pick up on any heavy political sentiments that would turn people off to listening to it. 

Hold Your Breath and Count to 10


As much fun as it is to explore things outside my element, I love when I get the chance to review something that is in the realm of what I would actually listen to, which is why it was refreshing to hear the jams of “Rory’s Insomnia,” a New York based rock group led by female Israeli singer, Rony Corcos. Her voice and music have a kind of mid 90’s alternative/Indie film soundtrack kind of vibe. Her vocals remind me of Sarah McLachlan, but the backing instrumentation is more modern, and he songs softly energetic like The Cranberries. My favorite track on their newly released album, “Count To 10,” is the 7th track, “Emerald City.” It just seems to be the catchiest one with the most potential. All 10 of these songs are good though. They are meticulously put together, elegantly performed, and themed nicely. Take the time to check them out.

Star Craving Adults

As a prelude to the upcoming album, “Inside out,” here is an excellent new video/single from Tigers Craving Stars called “Missouri Loves Company.” The song features light hip hop that flows smoothly and is accentuated by some beautiful backup vocals from a talented young singer, Daniela Andrade. Both the production quality and the acting in the video are superb, even though I can’t say I have any idea what the theme is, but I prefer the abstract nature of it over other videos that leave nothing to curiosity and imagination. It features a seemingly unhappy child dancer/ballerina/ beauty pageant type girl in some dysfunctional family situations, presumably dealing with the pressures adults put on the girl to be beautiful and talented, and then later there is a scene with some young women eating froyo.

These artists have some real potential, and I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing more from them. They have a serious yet light and unassuming style that let’s the story do the talking.

Directed by Kane Diep

A Clear Konchynce

What’s in a name? Well, for a rapper, a name or handle can give a strong hint as to what the theme of your music is all about. In the case of Florida hip hop artist, Konchynce, it’s an apt moniker. His new single “Drag” seems to promote conscientious behavior and oppose degeneracy, without coming off preachy or getting in the way of the musical enjoyment. He aims subtle jabs toward backstabbers who “chase the cheddar,” as well as other riff raff. The song itself seems like a stream of consciousness within his head. “Never ever trust these fools” he advises.

For those expecting the token obscure pop culture references that are typical of the genre, Konchynce doesn’t disappoin as he cleverly inserts some Michelle and Danny Tanner “Full House” references for good measure.

“Drag” is both well produced and performed. Konchynce is no amateur. He’s legit. This is a solid start to his upcoming album titled, “P.O.L.O.S.” Let’s hope the rest of the album lives up to his abilities.

The Ghostest With The Mostest


I got the word that Brooklyn lifestyle collective known as “MOST HEYE” was releasing their debut single “Remember.” Some info from their most recent press release:

Brooklyn lifestyle collective MOST HEYE has announced the release of their debut single titled, “Remember.” The new track features the street-savvy lyrics of Sin, just one-half of the emerging New York based hip hop duo. Known for their lucid underground sound, backpack styled rap and trendsetting sneaker designs, MOST HEYE aims to capture the attention of music and fashion enthusiasts alike. The new single, “Remember,” is currently available on Soundcloud at:

So I checked it out and was pretty impressed. Sin’s clever lyrics include gems like”another crab in the bucket” and “Ever since I caught my first plate northbound on the interstate” that flow easily and get stuck in your head, but that really adds to the track is the female vocal backing that’s layered underneath. It elevates the song to a higher level of musicality and distinguishes it from so many standard rap songs which are high on rhymes and short on music. You know the kind if you spent any time online checking out indie rap music. They typically feature crappy radio shack microphones and early 90s model, Boss drum machine beats(not that I don’t like those drum machines.) “Remember” is more advanced than that. It’s a real “song” with legit production and talented performers. This music doesn’t have a cheap feel to it at all, and while I don’t ever really get into the whole vague “revolution” theme that seems to incorporate itself into nearly every hip hop song, I certainly would bump this jam in my car without thinking twice about it.

The Psychic Eye

The first thing that comes to mind with solo artist, “Rasplyn,” is that her appearance and her music wouldn’t seem out of place in any of the Ray Harryhausen “Sinbad” trilogy films(particularly the third movie, “Sinbad and The Eye Of The Tiger.” Her style could best be described as mythological, and she captures the dark ambiance of an alternate fantasy world extremely well.

The song “Circle Round” from the album, “Scenes Through The Magic Eye” has an organic sort of electronica backing. It starts off with a hypnotic trance and then slowly builds to a more orchestral climax. Don’t let the name “Rasplyn” fool you. There’s definitely nothing raspy about this woman’s voice. In fact, there’s really not much negative that can be said about the whole album. It really just comes down to whether you are into new age culture or not(energy healing, clairvoyance, tarot, etc.) If that kind of thing interests you on any level, even a little bit(as it does me just a tad) then you will enjoy this.
Rasplyn’s music uniquely combines classical composition with new age mysticism to create a transcendent listening experience. Her songs are available through record label

The Full Konty

Rhythm and soul singer, Joseph Konty, has a new album coming out, “LoveSpell.” Impressively, it’s his 10th studio album. The title track is peppy and upbeat, while extremely catchy and groovy and the video is even better. A lot of his songs have kind of a sophisticated 60’s pop feel, especially with the backing instrumentals. It kind of reminds me musically of a band called Majestic, that I saw play in Los Angeles in 2000. “Walk My Way” definitely gives off the happy day vibe more than the other songs and it’s my favorite of the bunch. His voice sounds like an indie Justin Timberlake, minus any attitude and posturing. There’s definitely some classic motown influence in there, and it shines through in all his recordings. Overall, he does a good job of delicately balancing retro styles and aesthetics with modern sounding music.

Some of his other songs are more on the mellow candlelit dinner side and romantic like “Dancing With Me.” That one is a little too mushy for my taste, but that’s okay because I’m probably not the target demographic. The song was dedicated to his wife, after all, and not aging hipster dudes who watch old NFL games on VHS. I feel as though women would really eat this stuff up.

No doubt about it, Joseph Konty is a passionate and prolific songwriter. It would be nice if this 10th album could earn him a more prevalent spot in the national scene. Songs like “LoveSpell” are definitely worthy of some attention.