Moors & McCumber – Survival

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Survival is a new album from vocal harmony duo, Moors & McCumber. Blending elements of folk rock and Americana, the songs have a sentimental and humanistic quality. Against a mellow, melodic and minimalist musical backdrop, the vocal harmonies really do drive the action, functioning as a kind of spiritual center. These guys are both excellent singers and perform with an unmistakable sincerity, giving the listener an experience that’s as natural and real as it gets. I highly recommend watching the documentary on the making of this album, as it really goes into depth about Moors & McCumber’s motivations and the journey it took to make this release a reality. Survival is what you get when you combine musical professionalism and skill with a down to Earth setting. Folk at its finest.

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Indie Pop Artist Doojzie Aims to Bring About a Better Planet


The Prince admits issues within the judicial system and how we are thought as inner expression of true source in this linguistic “Our expression of self purpose and duties are limited when we remain under the blue scars on our ancestor’s back into our bloodstream. We will never become truly be free until the day our dialect aka “the oppressed” realise its our duty to inquisition the oppressor on how they are praised for what we have to look at as true skills in a humbled peaceful nature towards leading our direction to spread empathy towards one another as people communicating in this common speak! I refuse to live as a puppet in their pool of blood! I am my own KING!”

While we where holding a private conference in London after the monarch had made it back from his trip with Star Synq cooperatives during Sundown weekend, Doojzie has managed to form an equation to separate himself from the norm in celebrity culture too form his own lane of following along with the new wave of attack formed against the leading reigns within society in that he is the leading monarch in any religious status mutually agreed within this Collective made up of the true astrological physicians here in source. The Prince of the Temple insists that we as people need to put aside our differences and inequalities to form a new hierarchy based on reward from G8 Kingdom praise on the directive status people should have handed to the as an opportunity to become true entities worth growth and public state within the proposed new judicial system here on our planet! The astro-projectionist Has proclaimed his witness to the after life and judging bodies formation of government has been a selective of this unique Monarchy to be the leading body to preach the directive for the safe comforts in life to reside in peace the day we die. Also mentioning the procurement and direction the world is being lead into further torment by the reigns showing no true wanting or knowledge on how to begin to communicate the healing and peace for all here as a multiculturalist world society.

The Prince continues to state how he would conversate true comforts for all involved by starting
in war torn countries to give an outstanding efforts to pull together our Prince coming from a torturously occupied country for over 900 years shattered by the projections of headlines on the news who is good and who is bad in life. He would take control of the army’s and direct them to use the capital in his newly funded patriotic movement towards a well drilling scheme in 3rd world countries to bring the ability to take charities off our 3rd world to do work inside the new world order.This would truly provide a better planet to live on curing climate change with the new vegetation on our motherland.

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Doojzie – I Know


I Know is a new single from Irish indie artist, Doojzie. Stylishly blending elements of alternative and pop, the song has an enchanting, almost hypnotic ambiance. Against an eloquent and melodic synth backdrop, Doojzie’s vocals are sincerely captivating. He has a natural voice for synthpop, with just the right level of expressiveness and sentimentality. His performance has real personality and it’s own distinctive flair. It helps that he can actually sing, too.

Musically, the flow is smooth and has a futuristic “lounge” quality to the atmosphere. Like any decent pop song, the lyrics are catchy and through a combination of repetition and magnetism, the hooks really get stuck in your head. Personally, I think I know is one of those rare birds that potentially could have both indie and mainstream appeal. The colorful melodies and professionalism of the production will resonate with audiences of any type, while the song’s mysterious aura and organic subtleties allow it to retain its avant garde credibility.

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BigMeep – Me (EP)


Me is a new EP from hip hop artist, Big Meep. The tracks on this release are bright, upbeat and rich with melody. BigMeep’s vocals are dynamic and delivered with a delightful bounce. One of the best jams on this release is Daydreams, with its soulful, sparkling back beat and pop sensibilities. BigMeep’s performance on this song and others manages the perfect balance of confidence, charm and technical skill. One thing that stands out about this EP is the carefree and optimistic tone. The peppy and somewhat inspirational complexion of the songs will be sure to lift your spirits a bit.


Being a child of the 80’s, my favorite track on here is obviously FraggelRocked, which effectively utilizes a sample from the theme song of the classic HBO show, Fraggle Rock. It’s also reflective of the innocent and playful atmosphere exemplified here. This whole album is refreshingly creative. There are artistic surprised around every corner. It’s fun to listen to but also incorporates substantive themes relating to being comfortable and confident with who we are. I had no idea what to expect, but it turns out that Me is one of the best indie hip hop releases I’ve reviewed this year.

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J DaVon Harris – Egyptian Dreams

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Egyptian Dreams is a new single from hip hop artist, J DaVon Harris. The title proves to be appropriate, as the backing beat indeed has a dreamlike and ethereal quality, with its modest paced-rhythm reinforcing the “mood” of the track. Some of the vocal effects are artistically effective to this end as well.

For his part, J DaVon Harris gives a charismatic and reflective performance. Unlike many rappers, he can actually sing pretty well, and his melodic delivery often incorporates strategic harmonies. His delivery style is conversational and contemplative. It’s laid back and chill, but his vocal presence is also commanding enough to assert itself and give the song a layer of intensity. The production is crystal clear and professional. There isn’t a bunch of autotune or unnecessary processing. Egyptian Dreams is an intelligent release that’s creatively structured, well-executed and sonically satisfying.

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D.U.Nx.G. (D.U. Next Generation) – Evolution (10)

Evolution is a new single from hip hop group, D.U.Nx.G. (D.U. Next Generation). This groovy and flavorful jam is awesome. With its laid back style and fresh backing music, it has the feel of a an old school, classic hip hop song. The lyrical delivery is smooth and flows artfully, without ever coming off as overly assertive of tryhard. We’re treated to talent and personality from start to finish. I highly recommend the video, with has a retro quality and could have appeared on Yo! Mtv Raps back in the day. Evolution is top quality, and I feel like a lot of other artists could learn from these guys how to craft a timeless and pristine hip hop song.

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Echo Messenger – Rocky Gibraltar

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Rocky Gibraltar is a new single from Echo Messenger (the musical project of James Bracken). This peppy, synth-driven track is surreal and action packed. Though this has plenty of contemporary flair, it wouldn’t seem out of place on an 80’s film soundtrack like The Wraith or The Lost Boys. This is synth rock music at its best, featuring mesmerizing melodies, with a slightly dark edge and an engaging intensity.The guitars really amp up the vibe. In fact, this song does a nice job of keeping things dynamic by constantly changing/evolving throughout. The vocals still manage to be kind of catchy despite allowing the instrumentals to take such a prominent position in the mix. Rocky Gibraltar is just a rad song, that’s well-produced and hits all the marks.

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Molly Jenson – Goodbye

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Goodbye is a new album from artist, Molly Jenson. This impressive release manages to be both cutting edge and beautiful. The retro-futuristic synths are some of the best I’ve ever heard and render this song an instant classic. Against a relatively dark, ambient and dreamlike backdrop, Molly’s vocals shine, living up to the stellar instrumentals that frame her voice. She’s an excellent singer and just has one of those voices that seems built for avant garde, indie pop. Having said that, this album definitely has potential to have mainstream appeal, particularly with audiences that enjoy artists like Bjork, ABBA or Sinead O’Connor, though Molly has carved out her own distinctive style. Goodbye demonstrates that Molly Jenson is one of the more promising singer/songwriters of her generation.

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Arienne Hearts Charlie – The Greatest Show (9)

The Greatest Show is a new album from Arienne Hearts Charlie. Scheduled for an official release of September 17, the songs on this release feature romantic themes. Blending elements of R&B with exotic guitar melodies, the music has a very intimate and personal quality to it. Heartfelt expressions are central to both the performances and the overarching tone. The vocals and guitar are conveyed with delicate sensitivity. My favorite track on the album is Solitude, which has a jazzy and almost classical lounge feel. Overall, The Greatest Show is an emotionally evocative and musically satisfying work.

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hendren – Hasjasjeen

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Hasjasjeen is a new single from artist, hendren (real name Marty T. Zwart). Blending elements of R&B and stylishly avant garde, melancholic pop, this thought provoking track is a true indie gem. Subtle, dreamlike vocals are backed by futuristic synths, a crisp beat and groovy basslines (credited to Robert-Jan Zwart). This song is just very well-crafted and artistically precise, the extent of which can be further appreciated by watching the accompanying music video. The ambiance is slightly dark and abstract, while the pacing is peppy and energizing. Hasjasjeen is more than just a mere jam. It’s a full on, meditative and ethereal, virtual reality experience. The track is set to appear on hendren’s debut album, Hendren 1, which is being released in September of this year.

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