Homicide Doll – Falling From the Top of a Building

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Falling From the Top of a Building is a new single from Homicide Doll, an artist based in Oxnard, California. Featuring a relatively minimalist sound which blends elements of acoustic, spoken word, and hip hop, the track is thick with emotional depth, sensitivity and brutal honesty. It deals with very personal issues like suicidal thoughts, love, yearning and mental anguish in a way that’s genuine and will resonate with people who have every experienced these feelings. The song really conveys an accurate depiction of the struggle of living through various setbacks and depressive situations, especially in the way we really do just have to “fake” like we’re okay sometimes and just go through the motions.

Musically, the mellow acoustic backing is pleasantly melodic. Despite the heavy subject matter, Homicide Doll’s voice is quite enjoyable to listen to. His naturally deep tone seems ideally suited for this style of confessional delivery. I also recommend checking out his other recent track, Feed on the Innocent, which has a similar vibe but is more hip hop oriented and contains a comparatively rugged, higher intensity beat.

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